laker2013-05-31 04:50:19

1. It starts, ironically, in Desktop mode, which you can reach by clicking/tapping the Desktop tile or pressing Win-D (that's the Windows key and the letter D).

2. Right-click in any open spot on the desktop, then choose New, Shortcut.

3. We're going to make a Shutdown shortcut, so in the location field, type shutdown /p and then click Next.

4. Choose a different name for the shortcut if you want, or leave it as "shutdown," then click Finish.

5. Right-click the new shortcut and choose Pin to Start.

Presto! You're done. The next time you return to the Start screen (aka Metro), you should see a Shutdown tile. One click or tap and your machine should immediately shut down.

You can also use this method to create a reboot tile. Just substitute the following text in step 3: shutdown /r /t 0. (That's a zero at the end, and you shouldn't include the period after it.)

Note that using the reboot tile will immediately reboot Windows, with no second-chance warning.

喜欢豪宅2013-05-31 16:31:02
直接用 start menu x 就可以了,不必那么麻烦
longtermInvestor2013-06-01 09:13:10
I like classic shell better. It is just like windows 7, with mor
Hope_20072013-06-01 13:08:25
Hope_20072013-06-01 13:10:23
不明白,怎么用?是WINDOWS的button 和 X 同时按吗?
Hope_20072013-06-01 13:11:29
Thanks, also try it, good!
喜欢豪宅2013-06-03 17:56:45
start menu x 是个小软件, 用了classic menu 就不要这个了