laker2009-12-10 15:31:51
I sold something on Ebay and later on got this message back from Ebay:

"Cha-ching! You sold it...
From: eBay Seller Central"

What the hell is this "cha-ching"? It sounds like Chinese to me, what does it mean here, anyone knows?

Thank you for answering my question.
邮件激活2009-12-10 15:52:57
Cha-ching means the sound of cash register
关键字2009-12-10 18:24:55
laker2009-12-10 19:04:26
回复:Cha-ching means the sound of cash register
中餐外卖2009-12-12 17:53:51
回复:What does it mean?
6ba62009-12-20 18:34:34
回复:Cha-ching 是广州话:赚钱 的发音