Jsnow2004-04-06 05:00:41

我有两个笔记本 (Sony PCG-V505BX and Sony PCG GRX 600) 以及一个 Desktop 计算机 (compaq). 有劳各位专家给个方案: how to connect each computer (at least two Laptop computers ) with internet (with and without wireless acess-availability) by (1) tel line (free with my University); (2) cable; (3): what elso?????, and how much cost for each choice??

Many thanks
ieml1232004-04-06 13:20:52
If I were you.
mrmic2004-04-07 13:36:37
回复:求助 mutiple connection of inter
tty2004-09-18 09:56:41
回复:If I were you.
tty2004-09-18 09:57:20
回复:回复:If I were you.