!!bow!2004-05-25 17:49:24
Pls, HELp!

Where can I buy a cheap one?

I am a student.Hope You can understand. Help!
墨斗鱼~~~2004-05-25 18:16:12
!!bow!2004-05-25 19:13:40
Thanks, BOw!
或者往前面翻翻2004-05-26 00:34:29
墨斗鱼~~~2004-05-26 20:45:16
Just kidding
!!bow!2004-05-26 20:47:29
Thank you for the info
墨斗鱼~~2004-05-26 22:46:11
Actually you are a cheater!
???2004-05-26 22:47:48
is it funny 2 play w/ yourself
墨斗鱼~~2004-05-26 22:53:59
Here are some facts
墨斗鱼~~2004-05-26 22:56:16
I found this info
!!bow!2004-05-26 22:57:41
You are a sick peoson!
~~嘣~嘣~~2004-05-26 23:01:52
回复:Actually you are a cheater!
!!bow!2004-05-26 23:09:05
Your info is most helpful!
keep.going2004-05-26 23:10:25
it seems you are enjoy in that
???2004-05-26 23:10:55
is it funny 2 play w/ yourself
26.xxx2004-05-26 23:21:18
that's all from u, mr. 67.173.
26.xxx2004-05-26 23:22:57
that's all from u, mr. 67.173.
时间和精力2004-05-26 23:24:34
!!bow!!2004-05-28 08:20:36
回复:Where Can I get VS.NET,Thanks