JAVA疑问2003-10-06 13:09:00
现在有一个功课是关于VOTING SYSTEM,一个投票程序吧,里面有几个关于The Election Manager问题不太明白,请教一下JAVA高手...
The Election Manager can specify the type of ‘vote validation function’ that will be used in the election.就是审查帖子的符合投票性吗?
The Election Manager can specify the type of ‘formal vote processing function’ that will be used in the election. 就是可以查出符合要求的投票者?
The Election Manager can specify the type of ‘informal vote processing function’ that will be used in the election.就是可以查出不符合要求的投票者?
The Election Manager can command the release of the election results but only after the closing date of the election.就是在最后投票日子结束后得到各人所得票的总数?

(之前看了书和查网站都不知道应该用哪些相关CODING.哪位高手能提供一下相关CODING真是不胜感激. THANKS A LOT~

Waterdai2003-10-06 15:07:00
中华资讯网2003-10-06 16:18:00
two ways