This is an old problem (See here: http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=computer&MsgID=40088).
Now I installed Sandra and used it to test my system (see the 2 picutes). From the first picture we see: Core voltage rating: 1.400V; from the second picture we see: CPU voltage: 1.44V. And sometimes when I test it, the CPU voltage showed as 2.60V and there is a warning saying the CPU voltage is too high.
I am really confused now: what's the difference between Core voltage rating and CPU voltage? From picture 1 you can also see processor name is P4P (Prescott) Pentium 4E 90nm 2.8-4GHz 1.25-1.40V. Does it mean that the Core voltage (or CPU voltage) should never be larger than 1.40V?
tty, and other computer hardware guru, please help diagnose the problem. Is it motherboard's problem or power supply's problem? Thanks a million!