68762005-12-19 00:46:13
I have five pcs in my home sharing the cable internet. I have tried but unvail that I can not see each other in 'My Network Places'. Now I need to share the files among PCs. Three are using W2K and two notebooks are using WinXP. What is the steps to set it up?

A big thank in advance @_@
电脑老中医2005-12-19 02:48:39
你现在用什么方式连接你的计算机?路由器?cross-over cable?
海边2005-12-19 05:53:21
68762005-12-19 06:01:34
Router D-Link. ALl my PCs can go online
68762005-12-19 06:02:57
Router has 防火墙 - so I'm using it
海边2005-12-19 06:07:35
爱我家2005-12-19 14:59:31
Check IP address.
乔老老爷2005-12-19 20:26:39
回复:大侠们请指点 --setup my home network
682362005-12-20 02:14:05
Thank you all! Let me try more...