carjack2006-02-20 16:02:48
It started lately that my P3 machine (700 mhz) displays RAM 256, but actually I know it has 512. I opened up and re-sitted the memories and swapped around but no luck. I also found CD-rom disappears as well.

This only happened after I went to a Chinese website where it automatically downloaded "Ci Ba" virus scan. That day the system hung. Ever since I had this problem. I thought the software shouldn't damage the hardware, but it seems I was wrong.

I plugged another identical CPU to the board, still the same - so I know CPU is good.

Any idea? Thanks.
單身老貓2006-02-20 16:41:01
回复:Old P3-700 RAM showing 256 but actual 512
carjack2006-02-20 22:58:36
Thank you Old Cat! I'll try that way!
carjack2006-02-21 05:39:11
單身老貓, I changed the main battery and no cure
Flyboat2006-02-21 05:56:25
It may be a bios problem
carjack2006-02-21 22:30:23
It had been working fine, just suddenly not working
Flyboat2006-02-22 07:25:21
Did you try to swap the memory
carjack2006-02-23 02:48:02
I did couple times