stillthere2010-06-08 22:56:01

“Just 20 minutes outdoors can have the same pick-me-up effect as a cup of coffee because of the instantly energizing powers of nature, according to psychologists. From being stuck in the house to deskbound workers,” The Daily Telegraph reports, “a simple stroll in the open air is as revitalizing as a caffeine-fuelled injection, a new study claims. And people do not even have to do something active outside to enjoy the benefits. U.S. research found they would be more energized outdoors even if they were doing nothing, it adds. The underlying bond between the human body and the natural world serves to make ‘people feel more alive,’ said psychology professor Richard Ryan for the Journal of Environmental Psychology. The researcher from the University of Rochester, [N.Y.], added: ‘Nature is fuel for the soul.’

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  • bymyheart2010-06-09 17:32:41
    五味七色2010-06-09 17:38:43
    嗯,Nature is fuel for the soul.............
    龙坡居士2010-06-09 18:45:33