818nr2010-05-04 19:27:22
According to the latest CNBC slideshow on the “World’s biggest debtor nations“, Ireland tops the list as the most fiscally reckless nation. Ireland’s external debt as a percentage of their GDP is a staggering 811%. Their 2008 GDP was $285 billion and their total external debt as of Q4 2008 was $2.311 trillion.
Other nations in the top 16 list:

•United Kingdom – 336%
•Belgium – 327%
•Hong Kong – 295%
•Netherlands – 268%
•Switzerland – 264%
•Austria – 191%
•France – 168%
•Denmark – 159%
•Germany 137.5%
•Spain – 137.5%
•Sweden – 129%
•Finland – 116%
•Norway – 114%
•United States – 95.09%
999朵玫瑰2010-05-04 19:27:18
野生动物摄影家2010-05-04 19:27:18
No, 北韩更健康,负债率低于美国
818nr2010-05-04 19:27:18
当然很片面。要看balance sheet.
尚文2010-05-05 02:10:52
爱尔兰也快不行了-ding how!