走顺路2021-03-28 15:32:46




As of Wednesday, more than 1.4 million people in Minnesota have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine. About 800,000 are considered fully vaccinated, which means it has been 14 days since their final dose and the vaccine has had time to spark an immune response. The 89 breakthrough cases represent less than a tenth of 1% of those who have been fully vaccinated.


CDC正在全美追踪 breakthrough cases 并且不久将发布相关结果。期待……

The CDC is tracking breakthrough cases across the country as more people get vaccinated, according to CNN. CDC officials are working with state health departments to look for any similarities that may indicate whether new coronavirus variants are evading the vaccines. The CDC team will soon start reporting breakthrough case counts and any patterns related to the locations or people who contract COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated, a CDC spokesperson told the news outlet.


TBz2021-03-28 15:58:08
注册很麻烦2021-03-28 16:10:24
Shanghaigirl982021-03-28 16:24:37
dudaan2021-03-28 19:02:03
greennew2021-03-28 19:46:50