fuz2021-06-03 03:53:39


Black pepper, and its alkaloid component piperine, have associations with many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects and potential cancer-fighting properties.

People have used pepper in traditional medicine for thousands of years, especially in Ayurveda,Trusted Source the traditional Indian system of medicine. Individuals used it mainly for treating menstrual and ear, nose, and throat disorders.

However, consuming too much black pepper can lead to gastrointestinal side effects, so people need to be careful not to use too much.


Health benefits

There are several potential health benefits of black pepper for the body and brain, and many of them come from the black pepper compound piperine.

High in antioxidants.......

Anti-inflammatory benefits.........

Antibacterial properties............

Cancer-fighting properties.......

Increasing “good cholesterol”......

Helping blood sugar control..........

Nutrient absorption and gut health........

Boosting brain function........



lawattaction2021-06-03 05:02:56