fuz2021-07-01 15:31:53


A top hospital official in Arkansas is warning that the state may be headed into a third surge of the coronavirus as cases in the state continue to rise.


Arkansas reported 479 new virus cases and 196 new active cases. The state’s COVID-19 deaths increased by eight and hospitalizations decreased by eight.



- 90.5% of all current cases are people who are not fully vaccinated

- 98.3% of hospitalizations since 1/26 were patients who were not immunized

-99.6% of COVID deaths since 1/26 were people who were not immunized




A total of 988 Arkansans have died from COVID-19 since Jan. 26. And 99.6% of those people were not fully immunized, according to the Arkansas Department of Health.


Since Jan. 26, 2021, 3,765 Arkansans have gone to the hospital with COVID-19. Of that number, 98.3% of those were not fully immunized.


cwc2021-07-01 19:03:47
原上草20172021-07-01 19:33:34
Shanghaigirl982021-07-01 20:43:13
pickshell2021-07-02 02:01:16
哈哈,我们都没死 且活好好地,后来那位又改口说半年后,1年后,太搞笑:)
原上草20172021-07-02 03:20:28