OPT2H12005-07-03 17:34:43
I am currently working in a company with my OPT, which will expire in July. Howver, my H1 application was just sent out last week, and it may take 2-3 months to get appoved. My question is: May I continue working in July if get the H1 application Receipt or I have to work until it be proven later? During my H1 application, the starting date is 01/07/05.

Thanks all for help!

withexpir2005-07-03 18:10:20
premium process, u can't work
morequest2005-07-03 18:24:05
回复:premium process, u can't work
新手孤独上路2005-07-03 18:31:44
sure. You can do it.
How?2005-07-03 18:35:50
回复:sure. You can do it.
I-9072005-07-03 20:02:59
回复:回复:sure. You can do it.