tianfuren2005-07-15 00:58:55
现在要申请绿卡,律师说我老婆以前在F2期间作为parttime 学生修过课,(化学和英语文学等),违反了F2不准修课的规定。现在变成H4后,律师要她出境签证,说是这样就可以clear 以前的violation,请问有这必要吗?移民局如何知道她修过课呢?要不要冒这个险,就当没这回事呢?多谢指教.
FFGH2005-07-15 01:47:12
F2 is allowed to take 4 units.
EZboy2005-07-15 02:24:51
F2 is allowed full or part
notAfter912005-07-15 02:42:13
this is out dated info.
classes2005-07-15 02:45:19
vocational or recreational
EZboy2005-07-15 03:03:34
回复:this is out dated info.
EZboy2005-07-15 03:05:23
regarding to GC application
F2status2005-07-15 03:22:01
then he/she won't violate
EZboy2005-07-15 03:35:03
Got you, and thanks
FFGH2005-07-15 07:15:09