VeryWorried2005-07-23 15:39:56
I am a F-1 Student, just last week a local company needs a Chinese speaker to verify their company brochure in chinese version. I went there and spent about 1 hour.
They paid me in check and i gave them my SSN number.


有没有什么补救的办法?i can return the check and said my work is volunteer work. But the check is issued and sent to me already. Is there still a record? Does this affect the later Green card application?

werdsd2005-07-23 18:18:39
回复:我是F1在校外打工了,怎么办 ?
三思而行2005-07-23 23:56:21
whythis2005-07-24 05:24:29
回复:我是F1在校外打工了,怎么办 ?
USCISUSCIS2005-07-24 15:18:40
回复:回复:我是F1在校外打工了,怎么办 ?