ntu_aug2005-08-26 20:06:55
Anyone who is from Taiwan and has got his Green Card not so long ago? I have a couple of questions about the support documents needed for Status Adjustment.

1. Marriage certificate and Birth Certificate:
My understanding is that I need to get some sort of original (Chinese) certificates (or documents) and get them translated to English and notarized. Then I need to submit in both the Chinese copy and the English copy. Am I right about this? Do the original (Chinese) certificates (or documents) have to be government-issued? What original (Chinese) certificates (or documents) would serve?

2.Vaccination records:
Where can I or should I go to get proof of vaccinations? I doubt my records exist because those were long time ago. I was once told that a proof of vaccinations might not be necessary if the applicant has been stayed in the US for many years. Since I have lived in this country for over 4 years, do I still need to provide it?

Thanks in advance. I post this in English. But replies in English or Chinese are good.
嘎嘎呜啦啦2005-08-26 22:04:10
回复:Status adjustment documents
ntu_aug2005-08-26 23:46:56
回复:回复:Status adjustment documents