Urgent_122005-08-30 16:16:45
My H1B will expire next June, and I donot think it will be renewed by current sponsor next year. I am planing to sumbit 485 soon. If we only have 485 Pending status next year (140 may not be appoved at the worst case), is my wife still able to register in the University to continue her studying? I greatly appreciate your suggestions.
forfun2005-08-30 16:37:28
your wife's satus?
Urgent_122005-08-30 17:00:44
回复:Can my wife still study?
RedSox_Fan2005-08-30 17:19:20
switch H-4 to F-1 before you
Immi_US2005-08-30 17:52:21
I know a girl who studied at
forfun2005-08-30 18:40:20
change to F1, BUT YOU need to