I94card2005-09-02 16:12:13
Hi, all,

I have a situation, we have submitted I-140 (still waiting) and 485 last year, this summer we went to our home country and came back in H-1 and H-4 visa, we got the visa stamp in our home country.

The problem is, at the airport, my son's I-94 card was written like" H4 until 13 Nov, 2005", actually this is the valid date in his passport for him to enter USA before that day, I guess the officer at the airport misunderstood the date. My I-94 is fine, I got the same expired date as my H-1, which is the Dec. 2007.

We all have the approved I-797 forms, but my concern is, which one I should consider his status, the date on I797 or I-94 card? if I-94, do I need make a correction for him? Many years ago, a friend of my friend got RFE on their 485, question on his wife H-4 I94 card, the same problem. right now, something changed? Anybody has any experience? Do I have to fill some form and pay extra money to correct that.
Thanks a lot!
cluo30002005-09-02 17:42:22
Extend passport first and
needtocrv2005-09-03 00:41:45
回复:wrong expired date on I-94