我是准备拼了老命/小命也要把I140/I485 在十一前自己一并file上去。律师因为时间关系,已经不接手了。不过很多朋友都是自己file的。很多人都认为律师没有起很大作用。我有点担心,那个legal brief,也就是律师写的那个legal document,是个什么东西?是不是就是律师把我说的话抄一遍?起多大作用?我个人有没有办法或必要补救?--- 现在就是要“懵”一把了。有就有,没有就再说了。
About the legal document
we will write a detailed legal document to persuade the INS that you meet all of the requirements for approval. Our legal memorandum generally exceeds twenty pages, and this is the most important part of the process followed by the expert support letters. Once we complete the draft of this memorandum, we will e-mail it to you for your review and comment. At that time, we will also send you the one form that needs to be signed by your boss. The second legal fee payment is also required at this time.