来自休斯敦2005-09-23 03:27:50
中国驻休斯敦领馆陷入一片忙乱 来不及撤离

http://www.creaders.net 万维读者网 2005年09月22日 04:53 PM

经过无数个忙音后,记者终于在23时10分拨通了使馆热线电话。 一位同样姓杨的领事拎起了话筒:“撤退?我们没有接到这样的命令,而且估计也走不成了。”杨领事表示,由于领馆没有大巴士,没法把工作人员集中运送到其他地区,更何况“汽油也是个问题”。





HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- A weakened but still powerful Hurricane Rita altered its course Thursday to threaten residents in southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas, where highways were overloaded with frustrated evacuees.

Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, said Rita will hit a deep trench of warm water and could intensify overnight, possibly to Category 5 status.

Mayfield said forecasters expect Rita to make landfall Saturday morning likely between Galveston, Texas, and the Louisiana border.

"This is still a very, very dangerous Category 4 hurricane. We'll likely see some fluctuations, ... but the wise thing to do is to go ahead and plan for a Category 4 hurricane making landfall," Mayfield said.

With the hurricane generating winds of tropical storm force extending 205 miles from the center, some areas in Louisiana already were seeing Rita's outer bands. (Watch a report on the science behind monster storms -- 3:50)

Highways in Texas were crammed with cars creeping north, with blistering heat adding to the discomfort of the hundreds of thousands fleeing the storm.