This Doctor (Liu Hui-xue) is a Chinese from Taiwan, she is now operating a clinic in Edison, NJ (3 Lincoln Highway).
I have talked to 5 friends who did medical exam in her place latley, we got the following expereience. If you want to avoid that, do not go to her place. You got tons of other choice in other places like chinatown NYC.
Our conclusion is : she is not only a bad doctor but also a bad person. If you go to her place to do the medical checkup for I485 in such urgent situation, you will regret to death!!!! Even if you are not in urgent case, you will feel the feeling of swallowing flies.
1. She is rude and she got bad attitude!
She never answers you question patiently and 70 percent of the time when you ask her questions you will be stopped by a rude word “Don’t talk to me right now!”. She will never give you sufficient information no matter how urgent you are. She will simply say BYEBYE and hang up your phone or close the window in her office loudly.
2. For TB test, even if you get only a tiny barely-visible light red spot (of size equal or smaller 5mm in diameter), you will be asked to do X-ray in the lab associated with her, which will cost you $85 dollars and expose you to the harmful X-ray. Many doctors can save X-ray even if the spot is more than 10 mm.
3. If you are going to file with your wife and her TB is positive according to the criterion mentioned above, you might need to wait for a month to see if your wife is pregnant upon which you can do X-ray in the lab associated with her.
4. She will not let you know in time that some labs can do some kind of specialized X-ray that can be done even for pregnant women because the lab associated with her does not have this service and she does not want you to spend your money at other labs.
5. She can cheat on you by asking you to wait for another week and go to her place again because your red spot for TB test is so tiny and may be considered as a borderline. By waiting for the one week you use up your time so that you can not find another better doctor before the deadline.
6. She will eat her words and ask you to go back to her place again and again without giving you the result, not even the pending result specifying that the test is not completed yet and noting which is missing. She will not care that your office is 1.5 hours driving distance away from her office so that you need to take half day off every time you go to her place.
7. She over-charge a lot! We spent $700 already (for a couple). In China Town, there are much better doctors to provide much faster service and charge much less. A doctor only charges $160 (for 1 person)for everything and you can get the result in 2 hours. Her price is 210% more expensive than the one in Chinatown.
8.You will get humiliated. IF you do not know what TB is, you will be humiliated directly by hearing the following words: "what? TB is normal knowledge. What do you learn in School?"
Believe me, your friends will thank you for this information
我早就知道这个"BITCH", 我和老公有过很坏的经验,她
文章来源: 我见过最坏的医生 于 2005-09-28 18:12:52
不配当医生, 我想有一天, 她会被人告, 然后滚回台湾的, 她总给你的感觉你欠她好多钱,
回复:我早就知道这个"BITCH", 我和老公有过很坏的经验
文章来源: 更阴损的 于 2005-09-28 20:36:26
这个B 玩意儿, 气的我老公当时差点自宫.
NJ Edison I-485 medical exam
文章来源: Dr.刘,罪有应得 于 2005-09-28 18:36:41
我也深受其害,哎! 这个畜生害人不浅. 耽误事!
建议向移民局相关部门举报, 让她停业整顿. 越多人反映效果越好,大家不能吃哑吧亏. 决不能让她太嚣张了. 光靠我一个人的力量是不够的.
罪状: rudeness, overcharge, provide falsified information.
wwww.uscis.gov 可打电话或寄信举报.
绝不止我们几个受害者, 千万别息事宁人, 觉得吃了点亏算了.
我靠! 强烈要求置顶, 以防他人误入歧途.
She is a very rude doctor.
文章来源: Avictim 于 2005-09-28 18:54:28
Because of her, my filing was delay for a few months and spent a lot of money for reexam.
文章来源: 别再上当 于 2005-09-28 18:59:03
一旦你缴钱, 你就惨了.
拿不到paper, 打电话问她,没两句话: BYE,我现在没空.
感谢楼主,要不然我差点忘了TNND. 花个三毛八恶心她三年半.
文章来源: 她真的很坏 于 2005-09-28 19:52:47
我和太太都是TB negative,所以不用麻烦太多. 可在她的疹所我亲眼看到两对中国夫妇,斑点很小很小,被要求做x光,女的不能做因为怕怀孕.
那医生对他们很粗鲁容不的半点的解释,让我惊讶世界上竟然有这样的医生. 然而让我难过的是那两对夫妇,我真的替他们难过,看着她们默默的伤心的离开,我真的好难过,我一点都没有因为我不用做x光感到幸运,我们中国人怎么就如此不争呀!大限前拿不道结果至少也要把钱要回呀,要不回也要把她骂一顿呀,还可以用中文呢!!!!!
文章来源: 减少麻烦 于 2005-09-28 18:37:42
我前两天也有类似经历,花了700多刀不算还差点耽误了事昨天才交上去. 我本来也想写出来的,可是太忙,想不这位仁兄(姐) 写了,不甚感激呀,替我们(我有两同事也受了好大气)出了一口大气.
我发现我们中国人(包括我)在美国太软,太harmless,被这种人欺负了以后还往往咽下去. 她就是看到了这一点所以肆无忌惮地这样对付我们这些这么善良的人.
在美国,那些rednecks也会这样对我们,我们应该自强. 想想也是,中国再过几年真的强大了,谁还这么在意着绿卡呀,谁还会当成大事呀
我很佩服你花时间经历写下这些,为我们的后来人减少了不少麻烦. 我觉的你这样做很对,受了气,就要讨回公道.只要大家一传十十传百的,这个刘医生估计不久就要关门大吉了,她也就做做中国人生意.想来也是她多行不义必自毙,用英文说就是:she deserves it.