facethereality2005-10-01 22:27:31
People who did not get GC before 10/1 are really losers.

We must face the reality and accept this cruel fact.

Do not be A Q.

It is just like the loser of a game. A loser is a loser.
sleepbluey2005-10-01 22:54:35
we are hoping for the best and
shitGC2005-10-01 23:14:10
回复:People who did not get GC
12122005-10-01 23:14:31
You are crazy.Don' be foolish.
pointlesss2005-10-01 23:25:17
Typical comments from Ah Q
othersrnot2005-10-02 00:44:59
A loser calls himself loser
Immi_US2005-10-02 01:02:53
Life can teach us a lot. But
sleepbluey2005-10-02 01:14:03
回复:Life can teach us a lot. But
Immi_US2005-10-02 01:48:12
My pleasure! I am sorry that
已有绿卡2005-10-02 01:56:47
strongagre2005-10-02 04:08:19
回复:回复:People who did not get GC
sleepbluey2005-10-02 05:39:39
I am grateful for
abcabcabca2005-10-02 18:17:49
着急不着急2005-10-02 20:32:03
Lucky to have you here