davyshen2005-10-04 16:40:24
I get my J-1 now, but with an annotation nearby, and it says "the bearer does not apply to 212 (e) policy", does this mean "2 yr home-service" not necessary any more?
春暖花开2005-10-04 16:43:57
not really. When I came here
sdfsdfsdff2005-10-04 16:45:26
回复:what does this mean (J-1)?
davyshen2005-10-04 16:48:06
回复:回复:what does this mean (J-1)?
J-1人2005-10-04 16:52:55
IaamSure2005-10-04 17:13:36
You don't need a waiver,
familydate2005-10-04 17:28:04
No necessarily, unless he/she
IaamSure2005-10-04 17:32:47
as long as
familydate2005-10-04 19:41:24
Yes, you can argue that way.