Beijing1012005-10-26 22:10:14
The Date

US Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services

To Whom It May Concern:

I am delighted to write this letter of evaluation on behalf of Dr. Li, a scientist whom I know since 199X. While never a scientific collaborator, I have closely followed Dr. Li’s scientific accomplishments over the course of his career. Based on my assessment he is among the very small percentage of scientists at the top of the field of bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. This field is enormously important in applications such as mechanism-based drug design and biochemical pathway-oriented medicinal research.

Dr. Li is a highly motivated and talented chemist who has internationally recognized expertise in XXX chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, and medicinal chemistry. The most significant aspect of Dr. Li’s science is his ability to integrate medicinally relevant mechanistic studies with synthetic chemistry. His paper entitled “paper title” in Journal of Organic Chemistry 199X, XX, XXXX, is representative and illustrative of Dr. Li’s outstanding research at this scientific interface. The genesis of this work was his study of a medically important enzyme, enzyme 1 (published in J. Org. Chem. 199X, XX, XXXX). Out of this bio-medically related science came an elegant new method for synthetic manipulation of sugars. This method has received international attention and has already been cited for its significance in more than 70 papers. In many cases Dr. Li’s chemistry was crucial to other research group’s own success. For example, Dave Earmest of University of Manchester (UK) stated, “the higher overall yield of preparation of (compound) (10) has made the ABC our protecting group of preference” (Tetrahedron 200X, XX, XXXX). Adam Lee of University of Bath (UK) concluded that “The ABC protecting group has been shown to be a useful tool for selective protection” (J. Med. Chem. 200X, XX, XXXX). Lucent Potter of Cambridge University (UK) found Li’s chemistry allowed the most efficient construction of molecules that are involved in XXXX disease ( Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 199X, XX, XXXX). In another case, Dr. Li’s work was praised, albeit grudgingly, by researchers who were beaten to the discovery (Leibigs Ann. Chem. 199X, XXXXX). The discovery of this methodology was so important that it was discussed in detail in a review article by XXX (Chem. Rev. 200X, XXX, XXXX) and it was also included in Protective Groups in Organic Chemistry, a “Bible” reference book for chemists worldwide. In summary, Dr. Li’s research provided a valuable improvement to the technologies of organic synthesis. The ABC protecting group stands above other similar protecting groups for its high efficiency, robust stability, and easy removal. This superior protecting group allows other researchers like us to accomplish organic synthesis of complex molecules more efficiently.

Dr. Li also developed a new methodology for the synthesis of organic moiety CBA (J. Org. Chem. 199X, XX, XXXX). Mild, thermal reaction conditions were employed during the reaction of DEF with GHI according to the XXX mechanism. This methodology is of particular interest for synthesis of non-hydrolyzable analogues of XXX, which are important molecules in nature to play critical metabolic and regulatory roles. Steve Washington of University of Manchester used this methodology during his quest for XXX, a well-known “second messenger” in cell signaling (Tetrahedron Lett. 200X, XX, XXXX). In the key step to form the XXX analogue he claimed that “various reaction conditions were explored, with the best results being obtained using the conditions of Mark (Dr. Li’s mentor and coauthor)”. In a review article entitled “Synthesis and Properties of XXX” by Tracy Hunter and Lisa McArthur (Chem. Rev. 200X, XXX, XXX), the authors praised Dr. Li’s method and emphasized that “this reaction gives yields of 30-75% and is the best current routes to CBA” and that “it improves considerably upon two previous methods”. Clearly Dr. Li’s methodology represents a major breakthrough in the field of XXX chemistry. XXX is an essential element in life and many biologically significant molecules contain XXX (e.g., OPQ and RST). Using Dr. Li’s method, analogs of many transient molecules in biochemical pathways can be synthesized for the very first time. The direct dividend of his discovery will be the ensuing studies of the biological functions of these transient molecules so far unknown to the scientific world.

In closing, let me simply offer my endorsement of Dr. Li as an outstanding researcher, who is one of the finest scientists in the world in the area of bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. Dr. Li was extremely successful in his field as evidenced by his peer-reviewed publications. He has skills and talents that are virtually unique. I am confident that Dr. Li’s continuing work in the US will result in unsurpassed achievement in bioorganic and medicinal chemistry.

Yours truly,

2161822005-10-27 02:27:00
691762005-10-27 08:23:11
hollow ... who is hu ?