beichuan2005-10-27 00:41:21
My friend just got her greencard a few days ago. She waited 10 months after her interview. I hope her experience will give hope to people like me.
Good luck to all of us.
160732005-10-27 01:03:23
回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
beichuan2005-10-27 01:08:58
回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
160732005-10-27 01:23:53
回复:回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
AutumnSky2005-10-27 01:27:30
回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
beichuan2005-10-27 02:12:58
回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
windspeed2005-10-27 02:37:32
回复:回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
beichuan2005-10-27 02:43:31
回复:回复:回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
AutumnSky2005-10-27 03:00:24
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
windspeed2005-10-27 03:20:25
回复:Understand now. Thank you.
kl2005-10-27 14:34:13
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated
gladiator0012005-10-27 16:48:37
回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.
sdfsdfsdff2005-10-27 21:03:41
回复:回复:FBI Background Check Updated News.