671362005-10-27 02:49:21
11. (Complete this block only if the person named in the item 3 will be in the United States temporarily.)
That I (intend / do not intend) to make specific contributions to the support of the person named in item 3.
(If you check "intend," indicate the exact nature and duration of the contributions. For example, if you intend to furnish room and board, state for how long and, if money, state the amount in United States dollars and state
whether it is to be given in a lump sum, weekly or monthly, or for how long.)

我填的是do not intend。请有经验的兄弟姐妹说说填do not intend有什么问题吗?很着急,在线等--还有3小时他们就要去签证了。
701342005-10-27 03:03:51
241582005-10-27 14:46:23