662492005-10-27 01:24:55
1) Whether or not your Communist Party membership was voluntary or involuntary.
2) Whether or not your Communist Party membership was automatic solely by operation of law.
3) Whether or not your Communist Party membership was strictly entered into for the sole purpose of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living.
4) The particulars of your membership, including offices held by you, your level of involvement in Communist Party, and other factors which would influence an opinion as to whether or not you may constitute a threat to the security of the United States.

此485 是否一定会被锯掉? 请有经验的大侠指教如何回答, 不胜感谢!!!!

652382005-10-27 01:46:59
I just know many of them
71912005-10-27 02:16:40
69702005-10-27 04:30:11