H.R. 4241 - Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Closed Rule, Two Hours of Debate)
Definition:Closed Rule
A Closed Rule bans amendments to a bill on the House floor, with the exception of Committee amendments.
Committee amendments are approved in advance by a committee and offered by its chairman or his/her designee
There won't be any amendment to this bill(HR4241) on the House floor.
The House is still in recess. Republican leaders still appeared to lack the votes they needed for the budget measure, to pass. The back door diplomacy is still going on.
There are couple of other issues such as provisions curbing Medicaid's growth, tightening eligibility for food stamps and cutting student loan subsidies on which some of the Republicans are not agreeing to.
The Republican leaders are still hoping that they will have enough votes to pass the bill today.