138802006-01-09 16:46:01
我现在正准备递I-140申请绿卡。因为排期,估计485还要等很多年,所以老婆(H-4)想带孩子回国住一段时间。请问老婆是在I-140递之前还是之后回国好一些,如果因为紧急情况老婆现在就回去,会不会对几个月后我们递140造成影响,即递140的时候老婆一定要在美国吗?如果140 pending,老婆再签H-4回来,会有什么困难吗?谢谢解答。
mytwocents2006-01-09 17:00:13
Does not need. Your wife's future H4 should not
xiaobaitu2006-01-09 17:52:09
138802006-01-09 18:25:18
mytwocents2006-01-09 18:37:26
Your wife can come back on H4 any time and file 485
xiaobaitu2006-01-09 18:53:15
回复:Your wife can come back on H4 any time and file 485
mytwocents2006-01-10 14:33:31
No it is not true.
xiaobaitu2006-01-11 17:34:55
I'd like to share my experience on I-824
mytwocents2006-01-11 18:34:49
回复:I'd like to share my experience on I-824