Worth-ItHelpMe!2006-02-04 19:43:01
Dear WorthIt and all GGJJMMDD:

Thanks for your kind helps before on this forum. I have some problems and like to know your opinion as follows:

In 2005, I am an F-1 student within OPT. During my OPT I applied I-485 (pending) and had a daughter but my daughter use the Medicaid now. However, after I had the daughter, I got the job and had the income resource.

1-Shall I file tax as non-residential alien or residential alien because I filed I-485 in 2005?
2-If I filed my daughter as my dependant, IRS will say:" I have the income in 2005 and would they resource my Medicaid in 2005 for my daughter?"
3-If I still filed the 1040NR as non-residential alien within F-1 status, can I get the child credit, lifelong education credit, and other deduction or credit in 2005?

One MILLION thanks for your advice.
sqgs2006-02-04 20:07:24
回复:Please give me your advice, WorthIt and all GGJJMM.
Worth-ItHelpMe!2006-02-04 21:20:34
回复:回复:Please give me your advice, WorthIt and all GGJJMM.
sqgs2006-02-04 21:36:38
回复:回复:回复:Please give me your advice, WorthIt and all GG