adsf2006-02-21 16:47:10
我的H1B 是在一个UNIVERSITY,如果我的PROJECT需要我去一个国家实验室工作4-6个月(按出差) ,不知我是否需要通知CIS,或者需要重新办理H1B。我个人认为不必要,因为是按出差去的(就象出差开会,只是时间较长而已) ,不知我的理解是否正确,请指导。多谢了!
mytwocents2006-02-21 17:36:20
回复:H1B问题,敬请有经验的大侠和专家指导(mytwocents, xiaobaitu
xiaobaitu2006-02-21 17:51:23
But ,are you sure to that CIS won't send you a RFE
mytwocents2006-02-21 18:00:06
回复:But ,are you sure to that CIS won't send you a RFE
xiaobaitu2006-02-21 18:06:43
If you don't have a pending I-140 or 485 case,don't need do it.
adsf2006-02-21 18:11:14
回复:回复:Thank you for your guys, more questions
mytwocents2006-02-21 18:11:41
回复:If you don't have a pending I-140 or 485 case,don't need d
mytwocents2006-02-21 18:12:45
It is OK to reimburse your expense.
adsf2006-02-21 18:13:41
回复:If you don't have a pending I-140 or 485 case,don't need d
mytwocents2006-02-21 18:17:03
I do not think that it is necessary for you