smallpeople2006-02-23 03:51:17
Asking for advise from Xiaobaitu or other Da4 Xia2:
1) First of all I shall thank Xiaobaitu and other Da Xia, based on your opinion, I had more confident before my leaving for Beijing in late Jan.. I got my H1B visa (re-new) smoothly in Beijing US Embassy during Spring Festeval and return to US.
2) I suddenly find out that I did turn in both the old and the new I-94 Departure Records at custom. Now, I think that I should had kept the new one. Is it a matter? or What shall I do?

mytwocents2006-02-23 15:34:26
回复:I797 issue
smallpeople2006-02-23 23:30:21
回复:回复:I797 issue