Shui-Feng2006-03-07 21:04:36
Sorry my computer can't type Chinese. I have some questions on my coming GC Interview. Please help!! Many thanks in advance.

1) In the interview notice from USCIS, they ask to bring I865 and all supporting docs including tas return, w2....( If not submitted). I have submitted those docs and I865 with my 485. Do I still need to bring them? I am thinking probably not. but I saw some XDJM mentioned that they do bring those docs for the interview even they have been submitted?

2) Do I need to bring a copy of the I485, 130 application with me for the interivew?

The bad thing for me is I don't have copies for those docs. I prepared this application by myself and didn't carefully keep a copy. What a lesson?

Will appreciate any help!!!

radiology2006-03-07 21:26:23
mytwocents2006-03-07 21:53:28
回复:Xiaobaitu & Mytwocents Please help: Marriage based GC inte
Shui-Feng2006-03-07 22:06:12
回复:thanks to all!