uuaa2006-03-19 17:13:39
是关于FBI clearance. Interview 后等了60天,电了USCIS,说是会发UPDATE给我。已经十几天了,杳无音信。Thanks!
xiaobaitu2006-03-19 17:36:10
Local office最好是人去當面询问﹐如果你的案子在local的話
uuaa2006-03-19 17:52:04
I believe the case is still with the local INS, although I have
uuaa2006-03-19 17:52:42
I have moved to another state after filing the application.
xiaobaitu2006-03-20 05:05:44
如 果 很 远 , 可 以 要 求 把 案 子 转 到 新 的 local