uuaa2007-08-06 21:20:19
Approved on 7/13, confirmed by the officer at both the local CIS and on the 800 hotline. However, online profile was not updated.

The local CIS officer said he'd email MSC to expedite my card production, but it would still take 2-3 weeks. Any way to check the progress or if he actually sent an email? My start date is next week and I feel very frustrated.

Thanks for your advice!!
等待绿卡中2007-08-06 21:22:15
从order production到收到卡只要几天时间吧
radiology2007-08-06 21:23:56
six1102007-08-06 21:50:08
same situation with me last year. I went to local office
vivianlu2007-08-06 22:48:37
mine took 5 days after approval notice. try talk to uscis consul
uuaa2007-08-07 02:48:13
谢谢大家ADVICE,明天我再打个电话给CIS看production order下了单没有.