newcomerii2006-03-20 19:37:22
485 name check has been pending for almost 2 years. Sent a number of email inquiries to FBI for name check status 8 months ago but no responses at all. Very desperate. Could anyone kindly let me know what methods other than email that I can use to contact FBI?

Thank you much in advance.
NIW_er2006-03-20 20:21:04
Is your PD current?
NewComerII2006-03-20 20:50:29
Yes, current 回复:Is your PD current?
meizhang2006-03-20 21:43:46
My situation is same with yours, I just sent one email to FBI, n
newcomerii2006-03-20 23:26:38
Is email to FBI still working? No response at all
meizhang2006-03-20 23:34:15
回复. Hi, Xiaobaitu, can you tell us what is the good way
xiaobaitu2006-03-21 00:53:33
Try to contact the senator(s) of your state ,or if
luyi992006-03-21 18:33:24
We are in the same situation. Name check filed for almost 2 year
sailormoon2006-03-21 20:33:52
回复:Desperately waiting for 485 Name Check