不想再等了2006-03-21 04:37:01
有谁知道和公民结婚后, 当递交I-715申请条件绿卡转正,也就是说去除条件, 递了715后,现在大概要等多久啊移民局才批准啊,是3,4 个月, 还是1年,还是要两年?? 我在芝加哥.
xiaobaitu2006-03-21 04:45:14
临 时 绿 卡 解 除 条 件 应 该 是 I-751 而 不 是 I-715
不想再等了2006-03-21 04:55:22
I-751, 太谢谢了, 请再问
xiaobaitu2006-03-21 05:01:14
If you submitted I-751 as joint,but had divorced when
不想再等了2006-03-21 05:06:25
no, you might misunderstand me,
xiaobaitu2006-03-21 05:09:25
If so,sually you may be required to take an interview
不想再等了2006-03-21 05:13:14
thanks very much to xiaobaitu
cl5002006-03-21 14:31:24
Question to Xiaobaitu, please!
xiaobaitu2006-03-21 16:07:59
Usually about 8 months,but may be longer if CIS think