TeaDrinkerInAmerica2006-03-22 01:55:15
i am about to file my !-140, but my sponsor company only has the 04 tax return available, do you think I will recieve a RFE later to request 05 tax return? Also my sponsor company's past 3 year financial performance is not good and has seen loss for two years straight (including 04), but my pay stub and W-2 are still showing the reasonable payroll income, do you think it will be risky to file my I-140? Thank you!
xiaobaitu2006-03-22 02:32:22
I don't think that there is risky.
TeaDrinkerInAmerica2006-03-22 02:35:36
回复:I don't think that there is risky.
xiaobaitu2006-03-22 02:41:50
No,the deadline of declaing tax is 4/15
TeaDrinkerInAmerica2006-03-22 14:02:54
Many Thanks to Xiaobaitu