usbigbird2006-03-22 20:03:51
FYI, my case approved today after almost 6 months waiting... no update.
those who are in the same shoes will get good news soon!
Good luck, everyone!
ORpending2006-03-22 20:06:10
Congratulations!!! did you get it by email?
ORpending2006-03-22 20:06:41
Congratulations!!! did you get it by email?
usbigbird2006-03-22 20:10:14
yes, got 3 emails(same) just now.
ORpending2006-03-22 20:14:06
thanks. really hope so...
maxillo2006-03-22 20:31:46
more info, pls!
usbigbird2006-03-22 20:39:21
回复:more info, pls!
traveller2006-03-22 20:48:31
What's your RD and ND?
usbigbird2006-03-22 20:55:32
回复:What's your RD and ND?
poeny2006-03-22 22:42:10
回复:ER1 OR approved!! VSC
poeny2006-03-22 22:43:05
Congratulations!! Your deserve it.
june_nj2006-03-23 04:54:04
回复:回复:What's your RD and ND?