usbigbird2006-07-24 15:12:11
Just got the message from USCIS that my card is on the way. This is the third update message in two weeks.

RD: 10/07/05
FP: 11/02/05
I-140 AD: 03/02/06
I-485 RFE 05/10/06
I-485 AD: 07/12/06

NO UPDATES in between!
Good luck to everyone!
fzw2006-07-24 15:40:35
radiology2006-07-24 15:44:08
NIW_er2006-07-24 15:45:31
again, if your NC is clear, you get GC soon
ChineseCinderella2006-07-24 15:55:59
回复:GC approved in 9 months @ VSC!
ChinaLady2006-07-24 16:17:29
Congratulations! You are a real lucky guy.
usbigbird2006-07-24 16:28:33
just for medical examination...
usbigbird2006-07-24 16:36:22
回复:Congratulations! You are a real lucky guy.
usbigbird2006-07-24 16:37:24
no attorney involved!
sdfsdfsdff2006-07-24 16:41:03
回复:GC approved in 9 months @ VSC!
usbigbird2006-07-24 17:04:26
回复:回复:GC approved in 9 months @ VSC!
ChineseCinderella2006-07-24 17:17:45
回复:just for medical examination...
pipiluxixi2006-07-24 17:27:59
Congrats! Would you mind tell me you are Industry