AudreyAudrey2006-03-31 01:57:26
Let's first to request a new thread in WenXueCity. I suggest it to be called:
为早日结束移民排队而奋斗- Chinese Union for Green Card

Post your story in short in English. We will compile it to a letter and send it Senators and president Bush.

I suggest to post your story in the following format:

1. When you first arrive in US
2. How many years working in US legally with H1-B
3. Your education
4. When you applied LC
5. Your current cut-off date

Can anybody help to ask the webmaster to create it for us?
renlao2006-03-31 16:23:04
回复:为早日结束移民排队而奋斗- Chinese Union for Green Card
newnew10022006-03-31 18:47:26
回复:为早日结束移民排队而奋斗- Chinese Union for Green Card