Mnn2006-04-04 03:39:24
An application for the dependent child to immigrate to Canada was sent to Buffalo a couple years ago (parents are Canadian citizens in Canada). Recent Buffalo asked for: (1) a letter of "no record" (the child is elder than18 now), (2) medical exam, (3) forms (Application for PR in Canada -IMM 0008 (06-2002) E GENERIC, Schedule1 Background/Declaration -IMM 008 (04-2004) E SCHEDULE 1, Additional Family Information -IMM 5406(06-2002) E, Use of a Representative -IMM 5476 (12-2004) E). An interview has been waived.


(i) What will happen after above documents have been submitted? Probably when?Finally when can the child get the right paper work (what is it? -a stamp or paper?) for coming to Canada?

(ii) Why does Buffalo need forms mentioned above in (3)? The parents submitted all forms needed for this case several years ago.

Thank you!!