wind20062006-04-06 16:03:26
My friend will have to go home for his father's funeral in recent days. he is in OPT now and just hired as postdoctoral by a university. He has got Offer letter from his supervisor but not yet changed his status into H1B. so how high possibility he can get enrtry visa in China and what visa he can apply for. He appreciates if you can provide more suggestions about his case. thankyou in advance.

xiaobaitu2006-04-06 16:11:41
I think there are some risks here,OPT stiill belong F1 visa
december32006-04-06 16:14:33
xiaobaitu2006-04-06 16:16:11
wind20062006-04-06 17:20:49
回复:I think there are some risks here,OPT stiill belong F1 vis
december32006-04-06 18:21:20