carolshao2006-04-26 20:18:24
我们可以直接去court house吗?之后呢?我听说申请GREEN CARD的时候,需要男方3年的TAX RETURN.因为我和男友已经住在一起1年多了,所以今年我和他一起file the tax return as joint marriage. 但是我们还没有正式结婚,如果将来移民局在看他的记录的时候,会不会有什么大问题呢?
I would be really appreciated if anybody can help me about this situation. We are really stressed out right now. Thank you so much!!!!
Dell19LCD2006-04-26 20:32:50
why so many acclamation marks?
Dell19LCD2006-04-26 21:17:33
I'm not a tax professional