Trybestmom2006-04-27 03:37:27
In-laws' six months long B2 visas will expire in Jul 06. We are trying to renew another six months for them. Has anyone successfully renewed B2 visa recently? When should we send in the application for INS to review? Should we do it now or should we wait about 45 days before visa expiration? What kind of excuses would be good to use? (They're here to help our infant. Of course, we know it's not a good reason to use.) What kind of application material are needed?

Could you please nicely share your experience? Thank you in advance for your help!

知名度比较高2006-04-27 03:45:17
回复:B2- visa renew assistance needed
Trybestmom2006-04-27 04:05:36
回复:回复:B2- visa renew assistance needed
知名度比较高2006-04-27 05:18:08