guaiguaide2006-05-02 02:41:38

By: Beth Robertie

据USCIS公布的消息,由于在4月初USCIS收到大量的申请案件,因此他们需要比以往更多的时间把所有的案件资料输入到电脑系统当中。预计申请人大概要等2个多星期才会收到USCIS寄来的收件证明 (对于不同的申请所需的时间可能会不一样) 。USCIS现在正努力解决此问题,希望能在5月中之前把所有被拖延的收件证明寄出去。

USCIS has issued a Public Notice stating that due to an unusually large volume of receipts at the Service Centers during the first week of April, it is taking longer than usual to enter the cases into the system. Depending on the type of case and the service requested, it may take nearly two weeks to generate and mail receipt notices, plus additional days for customers to receive the receipt notices in the mail. They are taking measures to address this situation and expect to be current with their receipting by mid May.

guaiguaide2006-05-02 03:59:06