hapless2006-05-02 19:56:51
Hi Folks,

I got may NIW AAO appeal result it said:
The director's decision is withdrawn. The petition is remanded to the director for futher action in accordance with the foregoing and entry of a new decision which, if adverse to the petitioner, is to be certified to the AAO for review.

Does anyone know what will the results of my case? How long will it take to get answer from TSC? Any comment is welcome. 3Q so much!
littlemeatball2006-05-02 20:10:49
回复:AA0 Desicion + need help
may_liu2006-05-02 20:58:01
Can you tell when you submitted your appeal to the AAO?
yu4men42006-05-02 21:11:03
回复:AA0 Desicion + need help
hapless2006-05-03 18:23:21
回复:Can you tell when you submitted your appeal to the AAO?