买boost2006-05-10 23:54:07
前不久在这问过大家,Status 是
On February 10, 2006, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued.
我的receipt notice第一次因为律师地址错误,退回后被寄到公司(这会不会算作change of address?),然后recipt notice上盖了个02/10/06的章.因此律师说这个notice不可能是approval的notice,而且也没收到approval.
请问可能会有什么问题吗? LUD是03/29/06, 之后没有动过.谢谢!
radiology2006-05-11 00:10:37
回复:01/26/06, I-140仍未批
Evergreeen2006-05-11 00:20:32
That statement is sometimes used in approval notice. It worked f
Evergreeen2006-05-11 00:21:50
My AP came just two days after receiving that email.
买boost2006-05-11 00:35:28
回复:My AP came just two days after receiving that email.
Evergreeen2006-05-11 00:51:15
回复:回复:My AP came just two days after receiving that email.
买BOOST2006-05-11 00:57:59
回复:My AP came just two days after receiving that email.