railman2006-05-12 05:10:12
Senate leaders revive immigration bill

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic Senate leaders agreed on Thursday on a plan to revive a bill that would give millions of illegal immigrants a chance to earn U.S. citizenship.


The sweeping immigration overhaul, which has triggered rallies by millions of immigrants and their supporters across the country, is expected to be considered by the Senate next week.

Despite the agreement between Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, the outcome of the legislation remains in doubt. It faces opposition from some Republicans who say it gives amnesty to people who broke U.S. laws.

Frist said opponents will be allowed to offer "a considerable number of amendments" to the bill. In return, Democrats won assurance that the bill's backers will have input in eventual negotiations with the U.S. House of Representatives.

The House passed a tough border security bill that would further criminalize illegal presence in the United States and the two bills will have to be merged.

The House bill, which would make illegal presence a felony instead of a civil offense, has drawn huge protests around the country from Hispanic groups and their supporters.

Pro-immigrant groups plan to hold a demonstration in Washington on May 17 to protest the House bill and support broad reform being considered by the Senate. The rally is being organized by some of the same groups involved in the nationwide May 1 demonstrations in support of immigrant rights.

Frist said he wants the Senate to finish work on the bill by the end of the month, when Congress takes a weeklong break for the Memorial Day holiday.

The legislation stalled just before Congress' Easter break in April when Democrats, worried that Republican opponents would try to gut the bill, blocked consideration of amendments and sought to limit their number. Even though some of those amendments now will go forward, backers feel they have the votes to defeat them.

Sen. Edward Kennedy (news, bio, voting record), a Massachusetts Democrat who has been pushing for the bipartisan immigration overhaul, said he was optimistic the Senate would pass the bill, which also includes a guest worker program backed by President George W. Bush.

"Today's agreement is a major step forward in our fight for tough but fair immigration reform," Kennedy said.

The Senate bill includes border security and enforcement measures, but also addresses the estimated 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. Millions would be given a chance to earn citizenship.
